

Lipofilling is a very reliable and successful method for filling the hollow parts of the body, correcting sunken scars, thickening the lips, enlarging the penis and vulva, clarifying the cheekbones and augmenting the hips and breasts. On the other hand, in cases where skin health and appearance are adversely affected (radiotherapy area, scars, etc.) due to the regenerative effect of stem cells in our own fat tissue, an application can be made to rejuvenate the skin.

The disadvantage of lipofilling is that a permanent result can be obtained in the first session and it may require 2-4 sessions of applications. The reason for this is that the injected adipose tissue may lose a certain amount in the first 2 months after the surgery. Since there may be volume loss (30-70% of the injected fat amount in that session) after each application, 2-3 sessions of fat injection may be required to obtain a satisfactory result. The result obtained after the sessions is permanent, but may be affected by weight changes.

In the lipofilling operation, the fat tissue to be injected is usually taken from the abdomen or hips by liposuction method in a sterile manner with special injectors and cannulas. The removed adipose tissue must be separated from serum and blood. For this, the classical centrifugation process is performed. Apart from this, settling, which is the method of keeping the taken oils in the injector vertically, is also used for separation.

If the removed adipose tissue is more than the amount to be given, it can be stored in special refrigerators by mixing special protective liquids and can be used again after months. It has been scientifically shown that fat tissues that are thawed after freezing under appropriate conditions can remain alive.

The oil injection area should be protected from impacts as much as possible. A bandage is made to last for a few days. There may be bruising and swelling up to 3-4 weeks in the filled area up to the first 2 weeks, but these are completely temporary.

The biggest advantage of lipofilling is that since the adipose tissue used for filling belongs to the patient himself, there is no risk of removal or rejection from the body and the risk of transmitting an infectious disease to the patient. In surgeries that require blood supply or wounds, smoking may cause problems for the injected adipose tissue to adhere to that area. Therefore, patients are advised not to smoke for 2-3 weeks before and after surgery.

Fat filling aesthetics can be performed with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. After the procedure under local anesthesia, the patient can go home the same day.

If shaping and regional liposuction are planned in the area where fat is removed, bandage or corset use is required for 4 weeks.

Lipofilling prices vary due to many variables (technique and difficulty to be applied, duration, anesthesia to be used, hospital where the surgery will be performed, etc.) and therefore, ask your doctor about lipofilling prices for the most accurate prices.

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